
Radhanatha Swami’s Embrace

Note: Please read Radhanath Swami’s “Intentional Mistake”? and Radhanath Swami : The Prayer-er Writer first….

On the last day of my editing service for Radhanath Swami, he went through the draft that I had written about the glorious service of Hanuman to Lord Rama. After refining it, he called me to have a look at it. In his own inimitably sweet and humble way, he asked me, as he had asked often during the last fortnight, “Is that good?”

As I read the changed draft, I marveled at how the text seemed to have come alive. Radhanath Swami’s excellence at descriptive writing has few parallels; he is a genius at describing events and emotions,

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Radhanath Swami at Kanchipuram

2 January 2011. Feeling tiny, I prostrated before the enormous form of Pandavadhut, the deity of Lord Krishna commemorating his role as the messenger of the Pandavas. Situated in Kanchipuram in South India, the deity is twenty two feet tall, his other dimensions proportionately set. He is visibly almighty, as the scriptures describe him—and seems perfectly capable of fulfilling all desires. Gazing up at him, struck by awe, I wondered what prayers he received from the pilgrims. Perhaps those seeking sensual pleasures prayed for success in endeavors, money or fame. Perhaps those in distress prayed for relief from trials and tribulations. And perhaps the enlightened prayed for ultimate liberation from repeated birth and death. But I couldn’t fathom the thoughts of those beyond even enlightenment, of those who actually loved God.

A few minutes later our little group consisting of Radhanath Swami, a few other monks and I returned to the car. Before the car lunged ahead for the next destination, Radhanath Swami remarked,

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Going out for Lunch with Radhanath Swami

It was 22 November 2004, Vrindavan, India. The Fogla Ashram Guesthouse, where I stayed, had swarmed with Radhanath Swami’s followers for the past two weeks. Now the pilgrimage was over and only Radhanath Swami and his personal entourage—Nityananda, Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Vasudev and I—stayed back. Radhanath Swami was now recovering from his extreme exhaustion; being the pilgrimage guide for four thousand,

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A phone call to Radhanath Swami

“Please call me as soon as possible to discuss about the book,” read the one-line mail from Radhanath Swami. I flipped out in excitement, pulled out my mobile, scrolled to his number on the contact list, and pushed the dial button.

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