
Radhanath Swami’s Reluctance to Take Credit

Once I went in to Radhanath Swami’s room to suggest topics for a talk he would give to over a thousand youth of Mumbai. This is one of the most eagerly awaited festivals where Radhanath Swami addresses large youth and inspires them to practise spiritual life. While suggesting topics I also appreciated his tireless sacrifice and dedication to serve. However during the whole conversation that lasted for over fifteen minutes, he expressed utter humility and refused to take credit for anything. He changed the subject of our discussion and asked me about my services. After I briefed him about the same, Radhanath Swami congratulated me and said, “I am eternally grateful and indebted to you for your loving services”. Finally he approved one topic “Real Problems, Real Solutions” amongst the many that I had suggested. Again, in naturally humility, he expressed, “I am a real problem and you are the real solution”. Whenever any of Radhanath Swami’s students have expressed gratitude to him, immediately he refuses to take credit and instead glorifies his students for their sincerity.

A truly humble person always sees the good in others and refuses to take credit for his achievements. Radhanath Swami is always conscious that we are mere instruments in the hands of God; it’s only by God’s grace that we can do any good to others.

–Vraj Vihari

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122 replies on “Radhanath Swami’s Reluctance to Take Credit”

One thing Maharaj always speaks and practically exhibit in his personal dealings also i.e. humility.

It’s very difficult not to accept credit for the work that you have done. Very Inspiring.

Radhanath Swami is a great soul.In his every word there is lesson for us to learn.Thank you Radhanath SWami for guiding us.

HH Radhanath swami maharaj teaches by his own examples……….
All glories to HH Radhanath swami maharaj

Really wonderful piece of message.Pointing fingers at one’s own self is real humility though HH Radhanath Swami is a pure devotee of the Lord serving in cent percent loving devotion.But he doesn’t fail to give credit to others.Good to remember that the problem is me and not someone else.

Radhanath Swami is truly a humble person who always sees the good in others and refuses to take credit for his achievements.

It is the strength of Maharaj’s humility that we are getting inspiration to practice devotional service in a humble mood .

By his personal example Maharajah shows service is an opportunity, and we are very fortunate to have it. He glorifies his students for their services, but at same reminds them that ultimately it is done only by the will of God, so we should be very grateful and humble.

Through so many interactions such as this one, Radhanath Swami’s humility shines through as an example for everyone to follow.

Radhanath Swami is always conscious that we are mere instruments in the hands of God;

A true devotee never takes credit for his service, but always glorifies others’ even small services.

Radhanath Swami’s humility touches the hearts of every one. With the basic godly quality, Radhanath Swami attracts milloins people and leads them to spiritual path.

i ve not come across any person who displays such humility consistently and not a iota of arrongance what so ever. really amazing swamiji

radhanath swami is the best example to express humility since it is naturally present within him,

Radhanath swami always gives credit to others and takes none for himself. Very rarely seen quality in this world.

Radhanath Swami passes all the credit to others. Once we told Maharaj thank you for the wonderful class he said its not my words i am repeating Srila Prabhupada’s words.

This incident shows that Swamiji is a perfect leader who encourages his followers in all situations….

A truly humble person always sees the good in others and refuses to take credit for his achievements- Radhanath Swami always gives the credit to other.

Radhanath Swami is always conscious that we are mere instruments in the hands of God; it’s only by God’s grace that we can do any good to others.

It is only by truly appreciating the goodness we see in others that we can appreciate the Greatness of God which is crystal clear in the dealings of HH Radhanath Swami with devotees…

Radhanath Swamis shows by his own example how one must not aspire to receive acknowledgements, for what ever capabilities we have are the lords mercy and how we utilize them is a minute independence given to us.

What sweet exchanges between Radhanath Swami and his followers! But its not just sweet, its also the deepest spiritual platform.

Its amazing to see some one exhibiting such divine qualities in this day and age. I am very inspired.

Radhanath Swami inspires by his each action and word that how we see hand of God in our life.

Thanks Radhanath Swami !!

Amazing is Radhanath Swami’s Humility.By hearing him and following his instructions I hope someday by the lord’s mercy I can imbibe a fraction of this quality.

H.H.Radhanath Swami is always conscious of God. He considers himself instrument of God in serving others.

Radhanath Swami shows through his own example how we need to perform devotional service with deep humility & without expecting any recognition or appreciation for our efforts.

Great devotees like Radhanath Swami and others never try to take credit for themselves. They always see themselves as a mere instrument in the hands of God.

All Glories To H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

Every action of Maharaj is an reference point and aexample that serve as guiding principles for the benefit of our Spiritual lives.

Hare Krishna

Yes, this is the symptom of a great soul that he refuses to take credit for anything wheras small souls are very eager to take credit even for things they haven’t done!

the way Radhanath Swami is leading his life and distributing Krishna Consciousness is inspiring, exemplifying and motivating for all types of people. Mercifully Radhanath Swami has given so much and return we have to just follow/practice it.

Radhanath Swami is leading his life and distributing Krishna Consciousness is inspiring, exemplifying and motivating for all types of people. Mercifully Radhanath Swami has given so much and return we have to just follow/practice it.