
The Unforgettable Dimly Lit Night

Radhanath Swami – The Unforgettable Dimly Lit Night

An unforgettable night! It was pitch dark except for the faint light that shimmered from the crescent moon and the stars above. I felt real love touch my heart and I cried; I looked around and discovered more crying faces. Radhanath Swami’s devotional singing, having filled the silent skies, was now slowly seeping into our hearts.

We, numbering around three thousand, were seated at the holy spot of Man Mandir, Barsana, a place whose description also appears in Radhanath Swami’s autobiography, The Journey Home. It’s a favorite spot of pilgrimage for Radhanath Swami and his followers alike.

Amidst that soul touching experience, it all of a sudden dawned on me that I was crying after ten years. I was habituated to killing my sentiments with alcohol and drugs, for I had concluded that sentiments always culminate in misery: whenever I had nurtured loving sentiments towards someone, I had eventually suffered the misery of a broken heart.

But now, when Radhanath Swami tapped into my sentiments again, I didn’t want to restrain them. Through his song, I was able to channelize my sentiments to love God, and God is someone who never breaks anyone’s heart.

– Rippon

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170 replies on “The Unforgettable Dimly Lit Night”

Thank you for sharing your experience. Its so inspiring to hear about Radhanath Swami changing your life. I wish someone could change my life too.

I was there too at the Man Mandir. Everyone present there will remember those magical moments.

Thank you for sharing this. Your experience encourages me to open my heart to God and receive His love in return.

when u sing maharaj the soul is stirred,the mind is mesmerised,the false ego is crushed ,the heart cries out for lord krishna and our bodily existence is vanquished. jai shri RadheShyam…

By hearing Maharaj’s Kirtan my mind is totally absorbed in the Vrindavan mood of serving others.
Thank U prabhu for sharing.

Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful moment in your life. H.H. Radhanath Swami is so compassionate that by his presence, we feel like we are in the transcendental world as if we are experiencing the Love of Krishna.

Thanks…..I also remember during thr Vrindavan Yatra, the Kirtana he did at Maan mandir till late evening………one of the best kirtans…….

All glories to Radhanath Swami who is a simple ans a strong preacher. All glories to the Sankirtan Yagna!!!Thank you sharing this pastme…

Every word spoken by Radhanath swami is so profound and with full of realizations. This could be actually understood once we read his aitobiography and when we actually witness the way Radhanath swami is carrying out his life style. Its so amazing to see this man and hear from him. Very inspiring soul…

Radhanath Swami is a true Brajabasi. The Kirtans and Bhajans he sings at Vrindavana, India, are extremely filled with love of God. Thank you for sharing your experiences Rippon Prabhu.

When i have some free tima or even when i am performing chores at home, I listen to Radhanath swami’s kirtan. It gives me inner strength, peace and tranquility and success inall I do.

Hare Krishna
Radhanath Swami is transcendental, meaning, that He is able to connect to all hearts present during his classes and kirtans. Radhanath Swami is really a personification of compassion and humility. Also refer to for Maharaj’s weekly meditations

Your realization proves that love must be reposed on God because only with Him does one have an eternal relationship.

Thank you for sharing your sincere feelings. Indeed, it is true that relationships of this world end in miseries and people resort to all sorts of temporary arrangements to forget.

First of all thank you very much for sharing wonderful exp at Barasana, I seating at my office could feel the same sentiments. Please pray I could take inspiration from life or Radhanath Swami and dedicate my mind & body in serving the lord.

I have experienced this before. Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience

One such fond memory I have of Radhanath Swami’s kirtan is of the 2009 Karthik yatra. Damodarastakam sung by Radhanath Swami is ecstasy personified!

This is the change that Hari Naam can bring about when heard through the lips of a pure devotee. Srila Prabhupada always spoke of this and showed by his example, Radhanath Swami Maharaj is following in same steps, saving millions of souls like Srila Prabhupada did.

Thank you very much for sharing this. Really Radhanath Swami can cure all the diseases of mind through his enlivening singing.

This is the song for the soul which is the need of the hour for the entire world.

Radhanath Swami is very expert in steering his disciples away from the influence of maya by engaging them in devotional service. Barsana Eye Camp, Food for Life, Mid-day Meal program, Share Your Care etc. are some of the many initiatives he has undertaken in this regards.

Agree. Radhanath Swami’s words are so pure that they can pierce through the contamination upon heart and break a flow of tears drain down the cheeks of the listeners. Can’t resist it. Have experienced earlier, like you. …… like many thousands of others.

Everyone goes a bad phase in their life but at that time we should just take shelter of the Holy name of the Krishna and take guidance from our senior. This will increase our faith in Krishna and his devotees. Thank you for sharing.

This is the most inspirational feelings, which nourishes soul. I miss those pilgrims with Radhanath Swami Maharaj.

I am most unfortunate to miss that opportunity to be there to experience it….Only by hearing your narration, I can imagine how the atmosphere must be at that time…thank you very much for sharing this

A great experience with a great person.Person with spiritual potency can lightens the life of those who are in darkness of material nescience.Thank you for sharing.

This experience is shared by many of us. HH Radhanath Swami’s melodious singing, spurting directly from His heart, takes the audience to the spiritual world, beyond this material realm… That experience is beyond words and one need to realize it him(her)self, just like the nectarine taste of honey can not be realized by licking the bottle from outside.

Maan Mandir and Radhanath Swami’s kirtan in that divine place are always an unforgettable experience. Thanks Rippon for sharing your lovely experience in Maan Mandir with Radhanath Swami.

i wish even i could get an opportunity to listen to such heart-touching singing.

I agree with Rippon completely. Loving an individual in this world always ends in heartbreak and misery, but loving God(Krishna) leads to the utomost happiness. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. So experience it to understand it1

Thank you prabhu for reminding that wonderful evening and soul stirrin kirtan led by Maharaj.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience.
Maharaj’s Kirtans have that soul stirring effect on many devotees.

A Great personality will always gives us a great experiences.Supreme object of love is God.Any other than this will end in heartbreak.Thank you for sharing your experience.