
My Questions

My hand shot up, triggered by Radhanath Swami’s utterance, “Any questions?” He had just ended his hour long discourse and now sought to help out his audience with any clarifications. Unlike the vast majority around, I was new and knew little of spirituality. Yet, my eagerness to know more knew no bounds, and was already well known for my appetite to know more.

No sooner had I raised my hand than a silence fell in the audience. I could hear the audience think, “Oh no! It’s him again, with yet another of those basic and foolish questions.” I sympathized with them for what they felt was justified, and I appreciated their tolerance, for they never had translated those feelings into words or action. But my hunger for spirituality made me feel helpless. Yet, I also felt a little jittery, and I looked up at Radhanath Swami.

Then came a touching experience. I saw Radhanath Swami read my mind and he reassured me with gentle eyes. With the affection of a loving father, he slightly jerked his head, gesturing me to speak out.

Now, years later, recalling this incident and many other similar one’s, my mind seeks to confess: perhaps the warmth I felt in Radhanath Swami’s affection convinced me more about spirituality than the philosophy itself.

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152 replies on “My Questions”

radhanath swami comes to know what is going on in your mind and he will make you very comfortable to speak it

Thank you for sharing this experience. All the experiences shared help us appreciate Radhanath Swami even more.

Radhanath Maharaj is truly a loving father, who encourages you in every possible way, towards Krishna cosciousness.

Deep sensitivity is the sign of being very deep in love and hence caring for even a very little emotion within the heart. This is the sign of a great saint.

I Completely agree with the author. With philosophy one can defeat the person but can not win the heart & Radhanath Swami does exactly the samem, he wins the heart with his compassion.

Wonderful point in this article.

Without love and compassion it is not possible to understand the essence of philosophy.

Thanks for sharing this amazing story. It’s so wonderful, the points you have shared in your story – Your Experience with Radhanath swami is very personal.

As said in Bhagvad gite “One must inquire from a spiritual master submissively & render servce to him, The spiritual master can impart knowledge because he has seen the truth”…..Radhanath Swami is a perfect guru with immense patience……

Thanks for sharing this wonderful incident – Very true that the warmth out of Radhanath Swami Maharaj’s affection convinces one more about spirituality than the philosophy itself.

All Glories To H.H.Radhanath Swami Maharaj

Though we may act the way we want at times Our Spiritual master, understands , accomodates and renders us speechless through the compassion he exhibits every time whether we are right or wrong in our action .

Hare Krishna.

Really informative blog post here my friend. I just wanted to comment & say keep up the quality work. I’ve bookmarked your blog just now and I’ll be back to read more in the future my friend! Also nice colors on the layout it goes well with the blog in my humble opinion 🙂

Radhanath Swami Maharaj with his unearthly compassion and care attracts hearts of who ever atleast once meet him

It feels good when at the time of asking questions you get a response that you got from Maharaj. It encourages one to ask questions without hesitation or worry.

Maharaj’s love and compassion through his gestures and lectures keeps us inspired to practice devotional service.

Radhanath Swami’s affection and caring nature has always touched the hearts of people, even they may not be followers of spirituality.

Radhanath Swami is a true Guru who understands the heart of his students and always wants to encourage them so that they can make good progress on the spiritual path.

Thank you very much for sharing your heart, Yes Radhdnath Swami is such a personality who showers his tendernes and because of his purity our misconceptions will be eradicated.

I have also seen this so many times in Radhanath Swami’s lectures. The stress on personal relationship is more than the philosophy. Very nice!

Yes Spirituality is more caught than taught
I pray that i sincerely follow in the footsteps of Radhanath Swami

Radhanath Swami always encourages sincere devotees…and that gives them so much spiritual energy to go on with struggles on path of spirituality

Radhanath Swami is the personification of compassion and love. Thank you for sharing this.

Radhanath swami is so loving towards every one. This is very nature of him. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us.