Chiksoli is a remote village thirty kilometers from Vrindavan–externally a sprawling mass of poverty, but internally a treasure-house of pure devotion. It is the birth place of Chitra Sakhi, one of the eight confidential associates of the divine couple Radha-Krishna. In November 2008, during a pilgrimage to Vrindavan, I was at this place with Radhanath Swami.
Back in 1971, Radhanath Swami had first visited these holy villages surrounding Vrindavan during his spiritual quest. Though he was a sincere spiritualist even then, he was unknown to most of the world. But now in 2008, he was a world renowned spiritualist with thousands of followers.
One day at Chiksoli Radhanath Swami visited a mediocre family he knew since 1971, for lunch. I accompanied him. In the kitchen an old lady squatted on the floor besides the choola, traditional stove that’s fueled by firewood. She rolled dough, as a pan heated up on the fire. Meanwhile, Radhanath Swami after receiving a warm welcome freshened up with a bath and a change of clothes. He then sat cross-legged on the kitchen’s mud floor and thali, lunch plate, was served out before him. Vraj Rotis, hot and fluffy, after baking on the pan, landed on Radhanath Swami’s plate, one after another. Radhanath Swami consumed them with a gusto I had never witnessed before, though I have accompanied him for lunch at several palatial bungalows of down-town Mumbai.
Baking a roti on the pan the lady spoke, as if thinking aloud, “Aap bilkul badle nahi.”(You haven’t changed at all.) She went on to explain how Radhanath Swami was still as simple as he was in 1971. But for me, who hadn’t seen him here in 1971, Radhanath Swami seemed—through this entire visit—an overgrown child who had returned home.
Recently, on 16 December 2010, someone brought rotis from Vrindavan to Mumbai, for Radhanath Swami. Though it reached his lunch table after two days, Radhanath Swami remarked, “The rotis are the best. Every other preparation is a distraction.” Again, I sensed that his heart is always at his home, in simple Vrindavan.
–Damodar Dulal.
156 replies on “When Radhanath Swami Seems an Overgrown Child”
Amazing artile.
Radhanath Maharaj is full of compassion.
Radhanath Swami’s Simple living attitude inspires everyone
I have heard many of the Vrajvasis speak that Radhanath Swami is an resident of Vrindavan – just that he took birth in some faraway land of America
A very heart-warming tale of a legendary Sadhu….. A true Brajvasi by heart. Even hearing about him is so purifying….
Nice incident. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing!
thanks for this sharing, radhanath swami is very special and very dear to all,
With his humility and simplicity Maharajah has won the heart of so many conditioned souls.
Thank You for sharing your experience. Maharajji has a very soft heart.
Just like Lord Krishna loved to eat at Vidura’s humble home, so also, Radhanath Swami loves to eat at the humble homes of the Brijwasis. Maharaj is simply hungry for their love!
Nice incident
Amazing and wondurful article. Radhanath Swami is very down to earth and his love for Vrajvasis is beyond any comparison.
Amazing and wonderful article. Radhanath Swami is very down to earth and his love for Vrajvasis is beyond any comparison.
Takes great spiritual credits and qualities to be able to touch the hearts of Vrajbasis i.e those who touch the hearts of Krsna.
Thankyou for posting!
Thank you Prabhuji for sharing this wonderful experience with HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj. HH Radhanath Swami is so naturally attracted to the spiritual world that he always considers himself a part of that world eternally.
If you love somethng unconditionally then out of that love one always feel better and better about that.This is actully true with Radhanath Swami.He loved Vrindavan and its people unconditionaly without considering there external material condition and poverty.This is real saintly quality.Thanks for sharing nice story.
So touching.. Really this incident shows that Radhanath Swami has not lost his simplicity despite of gaining so much following.
This reminds of the descriptions given in the book of Radhanath Swami, The Journey Home
Thank you very much for sharing this. Radhnaath Swami’s heart is always in Vrindavan.
Radhanath Swami is truely a Vrajbasi in his words and teachings.
Despite being such a celebrated spiritualist with so many followers, Radhanath Swami continues to maintain a simple heart…. satisfied with whatever is served to him with love and not being carried away by the externals. He is truly great!
Radhanath Swami Maharaj is so much deeply absorbed in the mood of Vrindavan!!
All Glories To H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
What an awe inspiring story. Only Maharaj can exhibit such inherent inspiring actions which we may if want to think about may find it difficult to even cultivate.
Hare Krishna
Jai … Thanks for sharing this …
Wow! Radhanath Swami’s life is a fascinating treasure house.
Very few have so much of love for vrajwasi like Radhanath Swami
It takes a saintly person like Radhanath Swami to appreciate the beauty of Vrindavan – it just cannot be seen with the common sense and material eyes that we have
Radhanath Swami is so simple.
Radhanath Swami’s simplicity speaks volumes..
Thank u for sharing.
Radhanath Swami is an eternal Brajavasi.He took birth in America probably by some transcendental mistake on the part of Supreme Lord.Or was it His inconcievable plan?
Radhanath Swami Maharaj ‘s heart is in Vrindavan wherever he goes ,just like Srila Prabhupada felt away from his home vrindavana and remembering vrindavana.
Wounderful article prabhu. THansk for sharing. This shows Maharaj simple heart and love against vrindavan
Its such an amazing thing that Radhanath Swami continues to maintain his simplicity and humility at all times whether he was unknown or well known to the world.All glories!!
Thank you for sharing this nice incident
Personification of compassion !!
thnx for sharing.. Maharaj is so simple.. JAI
This shows the love Radhanath Maharaj has for Vrindavan.
This is really heart touching experience. Radhanath Swami is personification of simplicity and love.
Thank You Maharaj for sharing such nice experience.
Radhanath Swami Maharaj explains that every grain of Vraj Dham’s dust is more valuable than the wealth of entire material creation. These chapatis contain the most precious dust of Sri Vrindavan dham. Glad to see Maharaj’s devotional attitude, simplicity and love for Vraj Dham.
Tanks for sharing this incident. This shows how much love Radhanath Swami has for Vrindhavan Dham and vrajavasis
HH Radhanath Swami is a natural devotee and hence naturally attached and attracted to Vrindavan and Vrajwasis.
the deep love of Radhanath Swami maharaj for the land of Vrindavan and its people shows his simplicity and exalted position in the spiritual world of Goloka Vrindavan… radhanath maharai ki jay….
Radhanath Swami’s heart is always in Vrindavan.
Nice post
Radhanath Swami’s only desire is to please the lord and his devotees in whatever way possible. Whether it is delivering lectures to thousands or accepting rotis from a simple vrajabasi he has the same mood of service, pure and uncontaminated.
amazing qualities of radhanath swami, must be adopted by everyone,
Maharajah can sense the devotion in preparation.
“The rotis are the best. Every other preparation is a distraction.”